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  • 2021.01.14

共同研究論文がNPJ Precis Oncol誌に受理されました。A collaborative paper has been accepted for publication by the journal “NPJ Precis Oncol”.

業績」に以下の一件を追記しました。One item below was added to “Publications” .

  1. Maekawa N, Konnai S*, Nishimura M, Kagawa Y, Takagi S, Okagawa T, Nishimori A, Ikebuchi R, Izumi Y, Deguchi T, Nakajima C, Yamada S, Kato Y, Yamamoto K, Uemura H, Suzuki Y, Murata S, Ohashi K. PD-L1 immunohistochemistry for canine cancers and clinical benefit of anti-PD-L1 antibody in dogs with pulmonary metastatic oral malignant melanoma. npj Precision Oncology, in press.