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  • 2021.04.30

論文がSci Rep誌に受理されました。A paper has been accepted for publication by the journal “Sci Rep”.

業績」に以下の一件を追記しました。One item below was added to “Publications” .

  1. Ilinov A, Nishiyama A, Namba H, Fukushima Y, Takihara H, Nakajima C, Savitskaya A, Kaboso SA, Vinnik YS, Gebretsadik G, Hakamata M, Ozeki Y, Tateishi Y, Okuda S, Suzuki Y, Matsumot S*. MExtracellular DNAs of slow growers of mycobacteria and its contribution to biofilm formation and drug tolerance. Sci Rep, in press.