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  • 2021.08.05

論文がImmun Inflamm Dis誌に受理されました。A paper has been accepted for publication by the journal “Immun Inflamm Dis”.

業績」に以下の一件を追記しました。One item below was added to “Publications” .

  1. Ganbaatar O, Konnai S*, Okagawa T, Nojima Y, Maekawa N, Ichikawa Y, Kobayashi A, Shibahara T, Yanagawa Y, Higuchi H, Kato Y, Suzuki Y, Murata S, Ohashi K. Programmed death-ligand 1 expression in swine chronic infections and enhancement of interleukin-2 production via programmed death-1/programmed death-ligand 1 blockade. Immun Inflamm Dis, in press (Impact Factor 2020 = 2.239).