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  • 2023.05.05

A paper has been accepted for publication by the journal PLOS ONE. 論文がPLOS ONE誌に掲載される事になりました。

業績」に以下の一件を追記しました。One item below was added to “Publications” .

  1. Hayashida K*, Garcia A, Moonga CL, Sugi T, Kodera T, Kawase M, Kodama F. Nagasaka A; Ishiguro N, Takada A, Kajihara M; Nao N, Shingai M, Kida H, Suzuki Y, Hall WW, Sawa H, Yamagishi J. Filed-deployable Multiplex Detection Method of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza Virus using Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification and DNA Chromatography, in press.